
Video Marketing: Using YouTube To Drive Traffic

By Lester Diaz

Video marketing has changed the way we make business online, here you will find some tips on how to improve your video marketing skills. The first tip is to always keep your videos short and straight to the point, people will appreciate you giving quality information fast. If you really need to create a long video simply try to make it a series so it's easy to navigate.

Choose a good title, keywords used, the specific difference between your video to others, remember that many more may have uploaded a video with the same title. Place it into categories, if you have a channel with different types of videos, you should create categories and classify videos according to the category, this facilitates the search. Enter for each video a clear and complete description of the story or article that contains the video, such as who, what, when, where and why of the story in a few lines, the more detailed the better.

Backlinks are links that are available anywhere on the Internet and directly pointing to your site or blog. Insert or mention the URL of your pages on social networking sites has many advantages. One of the major benefits of this is the number of backlinks that you can place. The more backlinks you have, the more you help the positioning of your site in search engines. Therefore, not only get traffic through the links, but also get traffic for your high ranking in search engines

YouTube is one of the most popular sites online and becomes even more popular each day. People love watching videos on the Internet and taking a look at the lives of others. YouTube can do both. Even the worst of the traffic generated videos. Upload a video and finally put a backlink to your site. This will generate traffic and make you money. I dare say that Youtube is the best place to do marketing on social networks, followed by Facebook and Twitter.

This will help you be better ranked on search engines because you have more backlinks that lead prospects to your site. it is recommended to create as many backlinks as possible, make a blog for every new product, create videos on YouTube, Twitter and make Squidoo pages and check everything. If you do these five things will get much free traffic to your sites.

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