
Renew Your U.S. Passport For American Nationals

By Ben Pate

You may find that you need to obtain a passport to prove your citizenship or to travel outside of the country. They are not hard to renew, but be aware it can take several weeks to process. You will need to apply for a American passport renewal if your name changes or you no longer have your passport through loss, theft or damage or if it is expiring.

You need to be aware of the time involved in getting one, especially if you are planning on traveling soon. Many countries require the passport to be issued at least 6 months from the time of entry into their country. You also want to make sure you are at no risk of it expiring while you are gone since it can make travel and leaving the country hard, as well as causing problems trying to reenter the US.

You may renew it by mail if you meet the criteria set forth by the government. You must have your american passport available to be returned with your paperwork, and it must be undamaged. Your passport must also have been issued when you were over the age of 16, and within the last 15 years. You must also have it issued in your current name.

You may have to do this in person if it is your first passport. You have to go if you are under 16 as well, or your passport was issued before you were that age. You will have to do id you do not have yours due to loss theft or damage or the one you have is more then 15 years old.

If you mail it, you must submit the forms with your passport. It is strongly suggested you use a traceable mailing method and take steps to not have any damage to the package while in transit since they will not process it if it is damaged at all. You must also send it from the US and have it delivered to a US or Canadian address.

If you go in person, you must go to an agency or facility and fill out the right forms. You need to make sure you bring all the documentation required with you; including your social security card and birth certificate as well as any other ID they want. You will need to wait to sign the forms until you are told to by an agent in your interview.

You must pay all the fees at the time of your application, whether you mail it or go in person. If mailed, payment must be included with the passport and paperwork, and they must be paid before you are interviewed at a facility. The fees, location of facilities, forms that must be filled out and the address to mail them are located at the government website.

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