
A Way To Give Up Smoking And Take Your Holiday break In Malta.

By Daniella Damonti

You've never been able to save a few thousand dollars to go for your holiday dream in Malta. Unfortunately, there are always unexpected expenses that come amputate your holiday budget, such as a car accident, the boiler in your home goes down and so on. But you will always find a few dollars to spend each day to purchase your pack of cigarettes. Have you thought that merely to stop smoking would save enough for you your trip to Malta.

It's not really as difficult as some people say it is - to stop smoking. Yes, I know it's more difficult for some people than it is for others, but if you make up your mind to stop smoking, you will. Look for something that will help distract you from the craving for cigarettes if you are interested in breaking that habit once and for all. Sure I know it's hard, but you wouldn't be the first and certainly you wouldn't be the last either. So do it and be free at last.

When next you feel like smoking, sit down and tell yourself : no, you will not do it. It is a practical thing that helps your mind overcome the subconscious instinct to take a drag. And believe me, when you have done this for a whole week, you would feel like you could move a mountain. And why not, you just did precisely that anyway. You could be on your way to saying a long bye-bye to cigarettes.

Hanging around people who smoke is a sure way to get back into the habit. How about you change your friends, especially if they are not as interested in quitting smoking as you are. Spend more time around people with healthier habits, and reorient your mind, will you?

You got yourself into smoking, you can get yourself out; but don't go thinking that it is a piece of cake, because it isn't. You will have to change a whole lot of your daily living habits if you are looking to make it stick, otherwise the feelings will come rushing back, and this time you might not be able to resist it.

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