
Diets And Pills Alone May Help You Lose Weight, But You Need Exercise Too

By Jim Ford

A World Of Convenience In today's world where everything seems to move faster than we can keep up with, we find ourselves often seeking shortcuts to save time. We are human, and this means for most of us that we need a little time for ourselves once in awhile too. This leads us to seeking out convenience, and sometimes giving the way of convenience preference in many aspects of our lives.

When is the last time you dug a garden with just a shovel? How about putting in fence posts with a two handled post hole shovel? Cut your own wood for the fire? Did your dishes without an automatic dishwasher, or cooked a full meal from scratch?

Convenience And Health Unfortunately, many of us have allowed our desire for convenience turn into a trend towards obesity. About two thirds of the U.S. population is overweight or obese, and many seem to think the answer to regaining health comes from the same thing that got us there, modern convenience.

We seem to turn to the latest fad diets or the most recent miracle weight loss pill instead of getting off our butts and making a change in how we live our lives. Why, because it is more convenient to do so.

You Need Activity Fad diets or diet pills may help you to lose weight temporarily, but many may be unhealthy. Diets often leave out proper nutrients, and pills will often artificially stimulate your metabolism to increase calorie burn. Most will tell you how natural they are, but when in our lives did we begin to accept popping pills as an "all natural" way of life?

Quite frankly, you need activity to maintain a healthy body. Increased blood flow through exercise helps to fight depression, and cleanses and strengthens your body. Your heart is a muscle and it needs exercise too. There is a lot to be said about the old saying "use it or lose it". You hear it all the time, yet you still seek alternatives to getting active because for some reason, you don't see your health as being important.

Activity Meets Convenience Today you have an alternative to taking the time from your day to go to an expensive gym after work and wait in line for the next sweat covered machine so that you can get a little exercise. This is not only costly, but it is certainly not very convenient. There is a new way of thinking that brings convenience to fitness, and brings it home in one complete package, quite literally.

Home fitness packages are now available for the fraction of the cost for a gym membership, and include the trainers, the workouts, the eating plans, a support system, and a free coach to help you get healthy and stay that way. All you need is a few feet of space, a DVD player, and a television. Only have 10 minutes, not a problem, looking for some extreme fitness, got that covered, like the feel of weights in your hands, ok, we have that too!

It is time to take a look at Team Beachbody.

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