
A Simple Guide to Correct Diamond Treatments

By Kyle Barret

Most natural diamonds sold today have been treated in a fashion that changes them to make them more fascinating. These treatments are used to artificially improve the diamond's characteristics like the color, as well as the overall quality. There are a variety of treatments used today, from coating to filling breaks. Here's a glance at the most common treatments that may be of interest to diamond jewelry buyers .

Diamond coating is really the oldest type of treatment for diamonds. It involves coating the surface of the diamond with coloured marks along the pavilion or girdle. This enhances the diamonds colour as diamonds refract light. Coating is never permanent and may be detected under a magnifying glass.

Fracture filling, from the other viewpoint, is used to enhance the clearness of the diamond. It's typically done on low lucidity diamonds, which are much more likely to destroy or chip during wear. During this process, the cracks and fractures of the diamond are full of a material similar to glass that looks similar to the true diamond and offers similar optical characteristics.

Laser drill treatment is a permanent process that lightens dark inclusions or carbon spots on a diamond with a laser concentrated on the spot. The process could be repeated for each dark inclusion on the diamond.

Radiation is used to make a colored center in a diamond. It's a kind of radiation that typically produces green and blue. Electron radiation is mostly used today, though years ago diamonds were treated with radioactive particles employing a cyclotron generator.

Most diamonds that are irradiated are put through another process called annealing. This involves heating the diamond to modify the green or blue colour, that might change it to purple, pink, red, yellow or orange.

Ultimately, low quality diamonds sometimes receive a graphite or heat treatment. This process heats the diamond inside of a vacuum, which causes graphite deposits to form in the breaks. This creates black diamonds.

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