The Walt Disney Animation Studios, based in Burbank California is responsible for fifty-four Disney feature films. The first is a must see Disney classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, hitting the silver screens in 1937. The most recent, Big Hero 6, released in 2014.
Disney movies cover numerous genres, including catchy musicals (Jungle Book (1967), Frozen (2013)), traditional folk stories (Cinderella (1950), Sleeping Beauty (1959)), historical biographies (Pocahontas (1995), The Hunch back of Notre Dame (1996)), and cute, feel-good animal tales (The Lady and the Tramp (1955), The Aristocats (1970)). Each genre is treated in a distinctly Disney manner making each a for kids and adults.
Characteristic of Disney are the movies where actors interact with the animated characters with such classics as Mary Poppins (1964), with Julie Andrews playing Mary. It is interesting that this movie is also famous for the most appalling English accent courtesy of Dick Van Dyke which is ironic as the author of the Mary Poppins books, upon which the film was based, had insisted all the actors should be English.
Additionally I am sure all children from 1971 onwards have twisted the knobs on the end of their bed posts in an attempt to travel to the Isle of Naboombu like the lucky kids in Bedknobs & Broomsticks were able to do.
Disney movies appeal to both children and their parents, although naturally the biggest hits are those that appeal to adults as long-suffering parents are forced to watch these movies on a daily basis. A long list of A-list celebrities show their support for Disney by providing their voices for the characters. For example no one can forget the lively performance of Robin Williams in Aladdin (1992), or Whoopi Goldberg in The Lion King (1994).
Everyone loves Disney and can choose a favourite (whether they care to admit it or not), and it is not necessarily from their own childhood. Often just one that for whatever reason spoke to them amused them or made them feel good. A definite must see is Jungle Book (1967), with wonderfully catchy songs which have aged well. No one can resist dancing(or at least tapping their toes) to I wanna Be Like You. The most recent musical, although not the best, is Frozen (2013), and Let it Go has been played constantly in the music charts and TV since its release. Everyone should see Frozen just so see what the hype is about and join the discussion.
A great swashbuckling tale is Peter Pan featuring pirates, small children residing in the woods, a ticking clock inside a crocodile, and lots of fights. However what Disney does well are romances, of which there are many. One that stands out is Little Mermaid (1989) which tells a love story between a man and mermaid . Some wonderfully bouncy tunes like Under the Sea bright colours and loveable characters.
One Disney movie which tapped a whole other audience was The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) which appeals to kids, adults and goths alike. The story of Jack Skeleton the Pumpkin King who decides he wants to take over Christmas instead of only celebrating Halloween. A dark, dreary movie with great songs and a distinctly un-Disney macabreness to it ensures that it couldn't be anything but a hit.
No list is set in stone and will change and not just because new movies are to be released. The intended audience will inevitably mature and their favourite movie will change too. With 54 movies at the moment, there will always be some that stand out.
Disney movies cover numerous genres, including catchy musicals (Jungle Book (1967), Frozen (2013)), traditional folk stories (Cinderella (1950), Sleeping Beauty (1959)), historical biographies (Pocahontas (1995), The Hunch back of Notre Dame (1996)), and cute, feel-good animal tales (The Lady and the Tramp (1955), The Aristocats (1970)). Each genre is treated in a distinctly Disney manner making each a for kids and adults.
Characteristic of Disney are the movies where actors interact with the animated characters with such classics as Mary Poppins (1964), with Julie Andrews playing Mary. It is interesting that this movie is also famous for the most appalling English accent courtesy of Dick Van Dyke which is ironic as the author of the Mary Poppins books, upon which the film was based, had insisted all the actors should be English.
Additionally I am sure all children from 1971 onwards have twisted the knobs on the end of their bed posts in an attempt to travel to the Isle of Naboombu like the lucky kids in Bedknobs & Broomsticks were able to do.
Disney movies appeal to both children and their parents, although naturally the biggest hits are those that appeal to adults as long-suffering parents are forced to watch these movies on a daily basis. A long list of A-list celebrities show their support for Disney by providing their voices for the characters. For example no one can forget the lively performance of Robin Williams in Aladdin (1992), or Whoopi Goldberg in The Lion King (1994).
Everyone loves Disney and can choose a favourite (whether they care to admit it or not), and it is not necessarily from their own childhood. Often just one that for whatever reason spoke to them amused them or made them feel good. A definite must see is Jungle Book (1967), with wonderfully catchy songs which have aged well. No one can resist dancing(or at least tapping their toes) to I wanna Be Like You. The most recent musical, although not the best, is Frozen (2013), and Let it Go has been played constantly in the music charts and TV since its release. Everyone should see Frozen just so see what the hype is about and join the discussion.
A great swashbuckling tale is Peter Pan featuring pirates, small children residing in the woods, a ticking clock inside a crocodile, and lots of fights. However what Disney does well are romances, of which there are many. One that stands out is Little Mermaid (1989) which tells a love story between a man and mermaid . Some wonderfully bouncy tunes like Under the Sea bright colours and loveable characters.
One Disney movie which tapped a whole other audience was The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) which appeals to kids, adults and goths alike. The story of Jack Skeleton the Pumpkin King who decides he wants to take over Christmas instead of only celebrating Halloween. A dark, dreary movie with great songs and a distinctly un-Disney macabreness to it ensures that it couldn't be anything but a hit.
No list is set in stone and will change and not just because new movies are to be released. The intended audience will inevitably mature and their favourite movie will change too. With 54 movies at the moment, there will always be some that stand out.
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