
General Info On Last Supper Painting

By Eric Jimenez

Art exists in many forms. People who believe in the existence of God and follow a particular faith might have interest in religious art. For Christians, a Last Supper painting might be of particular interest. The Last Supper refers to a story found in the Gospel in which Jesus is said to have shared a last and final feast with his Apostles prior to his crucifixion.

Christians commemorate this event, especially on Maundy Thursday. Also known as Holy Communion or The Lords Supper, this has been depicted by artists for thousands of years. The most iconic image and well-known example of such depictions is the Leonardo da Vinci mural painting of the supper in 1490.

Typically, people get their hands on copies of paintings. This is because finding an original version of the most popular depictions is nearly impossible. Not only are these expensive, most of them are on display in museums. Amateur artists might have the original versions of there works available to those interested. Paintings can be purchase in stores or online, in numerous places around the globe. Costs will range based on many factors, including the condition of the piece and the artist.

Many of the well-known paintings of today are based around the interpretation that Da Vinci had. In his piece, Jesus sits in the center of a long table. To each side of him there are six people, only one woman and the rest men. There are many variations that can be found in these pieces of art. Generally, people choose a work that best first their personal preference or perception of how the event looked.

This is a significant story from the Bible. Not only was it a Passover meal, but also the time when Jesus was said to have commanded people to remember what he was going to do for mankind: shed blood on the cross to pay the debt of sins. This feast is also significant to Jewish people who remember it as the time when got spared them of plague of physical death in Egypt.

There are a lot of faith-based lessons and truths that Christians take form this story. This is just one reason why people buy or make art of this kind. Christians might have this and other religious artwork in their spaces. They look nice, as artwork, and also serve as reminders.

A lot of people collect art. This is done for a number of reasons, even when it comes to religious art. There are a lot of Christians who want artwork that depicts major scenes from the Bible that correlate with their belief system and faith.

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