
New York Web Design Terminology To Know

By Arthur Williams

New York web design, when done well, can be one of the most rewarding endeavors to undertake. Not only is it responsible for the creation of high-quality websites, but the ways in which said pages can push sales cannot be overlooked. However, for budding designers to make the most out of this endeavor as possible, there is certain terminology to become familiar with. Here are just a few of the most common terms that you will find yourself using in this field.

Font - This is a term that should be familiar to anyone, regardless of one's knowledge related to New York web design. Font refers to typeface, which is utilized in order to create text. Not only can it be made bigger or smaller, but it can be rendered to become bold or italicized to boot. Keep in mind, though, that one font will not be able to accomplish all feats. Take it upon yourself to download different ones, so that your resources may be rendered broader.

Color Wheel - To say that color matters, in the field of New York web design, would be putting matters lightly. However, you have to ensure that different hues are paired off with one another, which is where the color wheel can come into effect. It's able to help different colors become matched with one another for smarter designs, be it in relation to primary, secondary, or tertiary shades. A tool such as this matters, to both experienced designers and reputable companies the likes of Avatar New York.

Saturation - The best word that can be associated with this term would have to be, "intensity." Saturation entails the prominence of a particular hue, which can be adjusted based on various factors. For instance, if you want to create a website for the marketing of children's toys, wouldn't it make sense for hues to be brighter and more noticeable. The saturation in question would have to be increased, which would then lead to a more appropriate layout.

Responsiveness - It's important to note that websites can be accessed through more than just computers. Many people have taken to using their smartphones and tablets in order to access websites, which means that designers must create work with responsiveness in mind. When this is done, not only will there be more appealing websites to the eye, but rankings are likely to remain as well. Suffice it to say, in this particular field, responsiveness matters.

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