
Homemade Cinnamon Rolls At Sojourn

By Lisa Bell

Dough treats are so tempting that no one can resist them. Every area in Europe has its own delicacies when it comes to dough, and some are really irresistible. Inside this soft dough, there is a surprise, sometimes it is marmalade, sometimes creamy cheese, and sometimes chocolate.

When it comes to cinnamon rolls at sojourn, everybody just loves them. Light, tasty, sweet, juicy, tender, they are simply perfect for any occasion. Considering the fact they are also really easy to prepare, maybe you should try making them in your own kitchen, for a change. After a while, you can also change the basic recipe slightly, why not.

You'll need just a few simple ingredients, a pound of fine flour, two small spoons sugar, cinnamon, maybe three deciliters milk, a small spoon of salt, 125 grams butter and cream cheese, dry yeast and some sweet cream. So, prepare all the ingredients and you are ready to start making this delicacy.

Dissolve the butter and mix it in lukewarm milk together with two small spoons of sugar and a few tablespoons of delicious flour. Add a spoon of dry yeast and stir well. Let it stand somewhere in the warm place until the yeast rises. Add some flour and salt and gradually add flour until a fine piece of soft dough is formed.

So, let the dough rise for maybe a half an hour, or until it doubles. Once it rises, roll it out. Form a square. Sprinkle the melted butter on, add two large spoons of sugar, or more if you like, and some minced cinnamon. Do not be cheap with it, of course. So, now you should make a roll and slice it to 2 to 3 centimeters wide parts. Grease the baking sheet and place the rolls on their sides there.

You have to let these rolls to rise again before placing them in a preheated oven. It should be preheated on 180 degrees of Celsius. Once they rise, bake until golden. During this time, prepare the frosting. For this, You'll need equal amounts of softened butter, cream cheese, and powdered sugar, and maybe a little bit of sweet cream, a spoon or two.

Mix well the softened butter with sugar, until fluffy. Add cream cheese and continue mixing. Add some sweet cream in, just to get one smooth frosting you can pour over warm rolls. If you would like to have sweeter frosting, add more sugar and more sweet cream, it's up to your taste. More cream cheese will make the frosting thicker, and vice versa. It's better to pour the frosting on very hot rolls right away.

So, when you pour the frosting on, you are finally ready to eat these lovely delicacies. They are so good while warm, and also good while cold. They can be frozen as well, and served when you feel like it. If you plan to freeze them, do not pour the frosting on them, do it after you warm them up in your microwave, or in the oven. Serve anytime and in any occasion and enjoy.

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