Prestigious brands face the challenge of counterfeit. It is therefore important to verify that the baccarat crystal you have bought is genuine. This will ensure that you get excellent value for money. Since every seller will claim to be selling genuine stuff, there are leads that will enable you avoid the cons and obtain excellent value. Here are some of the hints as given by accessory professionals.
Genuine pieces come with a tag that is unique to this brand. The features on this tag will help you confirm that they have not been counterfeited. This tag has the letter B written in upper case and followed by year of manufacture. B1846 signals that it was manufactured then. You will also find that these numbers appear in multiple colors. These colors include green, red and blue.
A logo has been embossed on the bottom of the perfume bottle ever since 1920. The previous logo featured a goblet, carafe and wine glass. They are entered in a circle and the brand name included alongside the place of origin. The images imprinted have changed over the years such that some objects will only feature the brand name.
A unique sticker is also placed at the bottom of these bottles. These stickers are either quadrilateral or rectangular. The name of the manufacturer is added below. The rectangular sticker features a red boarder and white background. It comes with the name of the company with all these items encircled. The quadrilateral sticker has black boarders and a gold background.
Some of the pieces are usually not marked. You can only know them by studying the style on the company website. Each generation of items is unique. Pictures and old catalogues will therefore help you identify genuine pieces. An example is the cubical style that was used on items manufactured between 1920s and 1950s. Heavy Venetian glass characterized pieces produced in the 1960s.
Study the style used by different designers over the years. Each designer had a unique style that defined pieces produced at a particular time. You will need to learn more about these designers and the eras in which they lived. For instance, Ballon was the designer from 1916 and his designs featured trellis-shaped embellishments. Even without the trademark, it will be easy to identify these pieces.
Trace the nearest store and consult the experts you will find there. You can also find experts online who will guide you on how to identify genuine pieces. There are websites that help you spot genuine dealers nearby. It is also advisable that you buy your pieces from antique dealers around the world. These dealers guarantee excellent quality pieces.
Obtaining genuine products requires a bit of work. There are situations that make it easy to identify genuine products like the store where you buy. Compare weights to determine the quality of a product since imitations fail to capture all elements. Since you want quality, you must be ready to pay the price.
Genuine pieces come with a tag that is unique to this brand. The features on this tag will help you confirm that they have not been counterfeited. This tag has the letter B written in upper case and followed by year of manufacture. B1846 signals that it was manufactured then. You will also find that these numbers appear in multiple colors. These colors include green, red and blue.
A logo has been embossed on the bottom of the perfume bottle ever since 1920. The previous logo featured a goblet, carafe and wine glass. They are entered in a circle and the brand name included alongside the place of origin. The images imprinted have changed over the years such that some objects will only feature the brand name.
A unique sticker is also placed at the bottom of these bottles. These stickers are either quadrilateral or rectangular. The name of the manufacturer is added below. The rectangular sticker features a red boarder and white background. It comes with the name of the company with all these items encircled. The quadrilateral sticker has black boarders and a gold background.
Some of the pieces are usually not marked. You can only know them by studying the style on the company website. Each generation of items is unique. Pictures and old catalogues will therefore help you identify genuine pieces. An example is the cubical style that was used on items manufactured between 1920s and 1950s. Heavy Venetian glass characterized pieces produced in the 1960s.
Study the style used by different designers over the years. Each designer had a unique style that defined pieces produced at a particular time. You will need to learn more about these designers and the eras in which they lived. For instance, Ballon was the designer from 1916 and his designs featured trellis-shaped embellishments. Even without the trademark, it will be easy to identify these pieces.
Trace the nearest store and consult the experts you will find there. You can also find experts online who will guide you on how to identify genuine pieces. There are websites that help you spot genuine dealers nearby. It is also advisable that you buy your pieces from antique dealers around the world. These dealers guarantee excellent quality pieces.
Obtaining genuine products requires a bit of work. There are situations that make it easy to identify genuine products like the store where you buy. Compare weights to determine the quality of a product since imitations fail to capture all elements. Since you want quality, you must be ready to pay the price.
About the Author:
Discover the best place to buy your baccarat crystal by visiting our official website now. To access our online catalog and learn more about our history, click the links at today.
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